Skopos lead the way as a Carbon Neutral Organisation

1st January 2024

It's all about balance. Skopos are proud to be certified as a Carbon Neutral Organisation. Planting trees for ArBolivia and Tom's Wood to offset Carbon emissions.

Planting trees for ArBolivia and Tom's Wood

Skopos has chosen to support two different schemes to invest in nature and tackle Carbon emissions:

ArBolivia Project, Cochabamba Community Forest supports tree planting in Bolivia. It is a true partnership with the smallholders and farmers, as net revenues from the sustainably managed timber are shared equally between the project developers and the farmers, with the former providing investment capital and the latter providing land and labour. Arbolivia has been recognised for its role not only in mitigating the impact of climate change, but also in providing quantifiable benefits both for the communities in which it operates and for biodiversity in the regions.

We also chose to support a local initiative, Tom's Wood, in North Yorkshire. The vision for this initiative is to create new native woodland that supports local biodiversity and improves woodland habitat connectivity in the surrounding area.

For further information, please visit this page on our site: